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EXCEL 2016: Excel from beginner to professional
Getting Started
Jumping Straight in to Excel 2016 - Our First small Excel Spreadsheet (5:57)
Creating an Excel Workbook using a template (2:28)
First look at Excel Formula - Creating a Worksheet in Excel 2016 (9:16)
Quick Charts - How to quickly add charts to your Excel 2016 Spreadsheet (4:21)
Quick Sorting - How to quickly sort your Excel 2016 Spreadsheet (3:50)
Flash Fill - Excel 2016's incredible time saving fill feature (4:25)
Formatting Data Types in Excel 2016 - Numbers, Text, Percentages and more (7:26)
Increasing Efficiency to save time in Excel
Copy Paste - How to increase your efficiency in Excel 2016 (7:53)
Transposing with Copy Paste (1:32)
Inserting, Deleting and Hiding Rows in Excel 2016 (7:45)
Absolute Reference - Copy and Pasting with Absolute Reference in 2016 (4:37)
Exploring the Clipboard using Multiple Copy and Paste in Excel 2016 (2:26)
Named Range Referencing - Simplifying Excel Cross Worksheet Referencing (4:12)
Copying Moving and Deleting Excel 2016 Sheets (3:37)
Changing Excel Sheet Tab Colors (3:01)
Using Excel's Autocorrect to Speed Up Typing (3:07)
Adding, Editing and Deleting Comments in your Excel 2016 Sheet (2:22)
Managing Excel Sheets - Best Practices for Cleaning up Raw Data (5:15)
Using the data in your Excel 2016 spreadsheet
3D Maps - Creating 3D maps and plotting addresses from your Excel spreadsheet (12:08)
SumIf Function - How to use it in an Excel Spreadsheet (6:46)
Creating a Drop Down Cell - Using SumIf command with it (3:38)
Creating an Independent Drop Down - Using SumIf (3:25)
VLookUp Part 1 - How it works, and how it makes your life easier in Excel (6:02)
VlookUp Part 2 - More indepth and pulling information from other Excel sheets (10:06)
Left, Right and Mid Functions - Editing Text in Excel (5:28)
Find and Len Functions - And using nested formula (6:39)
Creating a Table Within your Excel 2016 Spreadsheet (6:19)
Using Slicers in your Table for Quick Filtering your Excel 2016 Sheet (4:41)
Pivot Tables - How to use them in Excel 2016 and why you should
Pivot Tables Part 1 - Setting up for first Excel Pivot Table, and how it works (8:46)
Pivot Tables Part 2 - Adding Automatically Updating Charts (4:04)
Pivot Tables Part 3 - Using Slicers in your Pivot Table for Quick Filtering (3:29)
Pivot Tables Part 4 - Using Timeline for even easier filtering in Excel sheets (3:36)
More functions - General Excel 2016 Functions
Concatenate - How to join text together in Excel 2016 (2:39)
Lower, Proper, and Upper functions - Formatting text in Excel 2016 (2:12)
Repeat Function - Using REPT in your Excel 2016 sheet for quick duplication (1:19)
Substitute - Easily replace pieces of text with other pieces of text in Excel (2:30)
Trim - An Excel function to quickly format out extra spaces (1:38)
Adding, Editing and Deleting Comments in your Excel 2016 Sheet
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